Since 1995 Avigdor Gal delivered tens of invited talks in many Departments and Research Centers including Stanford, Cornell, Univ. of Toronto, Columbia, NYU, University of Trento etc.

Big Data Integration: One Algorithm to Rule Them All

Uncertain Data Logs

Loch Data and Other Monsters: on Creating Data Ecosystems the Intelligent way

Ezra Lecture Series, Cornell University, October 2022

Systems Conversations, Cornell University, October 2022

Opening and Keynote Speaker of “Perspectives in Process Mining Closing the Big Data Gap.”
September 2020

The Center for Cyber Law & Policy, University of Haifa, January 2019.
Keynote: Human Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning: And the Winner Is? Avigdor Gal, Technion

Eilat, Israel, 2018

Fintech Meeting France Israel. February 2017

Istanbul, Italy, November 2016. Keynote Speaker of “Big Data Integration: a Meeting Point of Healthcare and Data.”

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