250 entries « 2 of 13 »

Genossar, Bar; Shraga, Roee; Gal, Avigdor

FlexER: Flexible Entity Resolution for Multiple Intents Journal Article

In: CoRR, vol. abs/2209.07569, 2022.

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Gal, Avigdor; Roitman, Haggai; Shraga, Roee

Learning to Rerank Schema Matches Journal Article

In: IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 3104–3116, 2021.

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Cohen, Izack; Gal, Avigdor

Uncertain Process Data with Probabilistic Knowledge: Problem Characterization and Challenges Proceedings Article

In: Beerepoot, Iris; Ciccio, Claudio Di; Marrella, Andrea; Reijers, Hajo A.; Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie; Weber, Barbara (Ed.): Proceedings of the International Workshop on BPM Problems to Solve Before We Die (PROBLEMS 2021) co-located with the 19th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2021), Rome, Italy, September 6-10, 2021, pp. 51–56, CEUR-WS.org, 2021.

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Calvanese, Diego; Gal, Avigdor; Haba, Naor; Lanti, Davide; Montali, Marco; Mosca, Alessandro; Shraga, Roee

ADaMaP: Automatic Alignment of Relational Data Sources Using Mapping Patterns Proceedings Article

In: Rosa, Marcello La; Sadiq, Shazia W.; Teniente, Ernest (Ed.): Advanced Information Systems Engineering - 33rd International Conference, CAiSE 2021, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, June 28 - July 2, 2021, Proceedings, pp. 193–209, Springer, 2021.

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Shraga, Roee; Katz, Gil; Badian, Yael; Calderon, Nitay; Gal, Avigdor

From Limited Annotated Raw Material Data to Quality Production Data: A Case Study in the Milk Industry Proceedings Article

In: Demartini, Gianluca; Zuccon, Guido; Culpepper, J. Shane; Huang, Zi; Tong, Hanghang (Ed.): CIKM '21: The 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Virtual Event, Queensland, Australia, November 1 - 5, 2021, pp. 4114–4124, ACM, 2021.

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Calvanese, Diego; Gal, Avigdor; Haba, Naor; Lanti, Davide; Montali, Marco; Mosca, Alessandro; Shraga, Roee

ADaMaP: Automatic Alignment of Relational Data Sources using Mapping Patterns (Abstract) Proceedings Article

In: Homola, Martin; Ryzhikov, Vladislav; Schmidt, Renate A. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 34th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2021) part of Bratislava Knowledge September (BAKS 2021), Bratislava, Slovakia, September 19th to 22nd, 2021, CEUR-WS.org, 2021.

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Shraga, Roee; Amir, Ofra; Gal, Avigdor

Learning to Characterize Matching Experts Proceedings Article

In: 37th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2021, Chania, Greece, April 19-22, 2021, pp. 1236–1247, IEEE, 2021.

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Geisler, Sandra; Vidal, Maria-Esther; Cappiello, Cinzia; Lóscio, Bernadette Farias; Gal, Avigdor; Jarke, Matthias; Lenzerini, Maurizio; Missier, Paolo; Otto, Boris; Paja, Elda; Pernici, Barbara; Rehof, Jakob

Knowledge-driven Data Ecosystems Towards Data Transparency Journal Article

In: CoRR, vol. abs/2105.09312, 2021.

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Cohen, Izack; Gal, Avigdor

Uncertain Process Data with Probabilistic Knowledge: Problem Characterization and Challenges Journal Article

In: CoRR, vol. abs/2106.03324, 2021.

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Shraga, Roee; Gal, Avigdor

PoWareMatch: a Quality-aware Deep Learning Approach to Improve Human Schema Matching Journal Article

In: CoRR, vol. abs/2109.07321, 2021.

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Martin, Niels; Weerdt, Jochen De; Fernández-Llatas, Carlos; Gal, Avigdor; Gatta, Roberto; Ibáñez, Gema; Johnson, Owen A.; Mannhardt, Felix; Marco-Ruiz, Luis; Mertens, Steven; Munoz-Gama, Jorge; Seoane, Fernando; Vanthienen, Jan; Wynn, Moe Thandar; Boilève, David Baltar; Bergs, Jochen; Joosten-Melis, Mieke; Schretlen, Stijn; Acker, Bram B. Van

Recommendations for enhancing the usability and understandability of process mining in healthcare Journal Article

In: Artif. Intell. Medicine, vol. 109, pp. 101962, 2020.

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Shraga, Roee; Gal, Avigdor; Roitman, Haggai

ADnEV: Cross-Domain Schema Matching using Deep Similarity Matrix Adjustment and Evaluation Journal Article

In: Proc. VLDB Endow., vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1401–1415, 2020.

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Busany, Nimrod; Aa, Han; Senderovich, Arik; Gal, Avigdor; Weidlich, Matthias

Interval-based Queries over Lossy IoT Event Streams Journal Article

In: Trans. Data Sci., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 27:1–27:27, 2020.

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Gal, Avigdor; Senderovich, Arik

Process Minding: Closing the Big Data Gap Proceedings Article

In: Fahland, Dirk; Ghidini, Chiara; Becker, Jörg; Dumas, Marlon (Ed.): Business Process Management - 18th International Conference, BPM 2020, Seville, Spain, September 13-18, 2020, Proceedings, pp. 3–16, Springer, 2020.

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Calvanese, Diego; Gal, Avigdor; Lanti, Davide; Montali, Marco; Mosca, Alessandro; Shraga, Roee

Mapping Patterns for Virtual Knowledge Graphs (A Report on Ongoing Research) Proceedings Article

In: Borgwardt, Stefan; Meyer, Thomas (Ed.): Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2020) co-located with the 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2020), Online Event [Rhodes, Greece], September 12th to 14th, 2020, CEUR-WS.org, 2020.

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Wayllace, Christabel; Keren, Sarah; Gal, Avigdor; Karpas, Erez; Yeoh, William; Zilberstein, Shlomo

Accounting for Observer's Partial Observability in Stochastic Goal Recognition Design Proceedings Article

In: Giacomo, Giuseppe De; Catalá, Alejandro; Dilkina, Bistra; Milano, Michela; Barro, Senén; Bugar'ın, Alberto; Lang, Jérôme (Ed.): ECAI 2020 - 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August-8 September 2020, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 29 - September 8, 2020 - Including 10th Conference on Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS 2020), pp. 2394–2401, IOS Press, 2020.

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Berkenstadt, Guy; Gal, Avigdor; Senderovich, Arik; Shraga, Roee; Weidlich, Matthias

Queueing Inference for Process Performance Analysis with Missing Life-Cycle Data Proceedings Article

In: Dongen, Boudewijn F.; Montali, Marco; Wynn, Moe Thandar (Ed.): 2nd International Conference on Process Mining, ICPM 2020, Padua, Italy, October 4-9, 2020, pp. 57–64, IEEE, 2020.

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Lu, Xixi; Gal, Avigdor; Reijers, Hajo A.

Discovering Hierarchical Processes Using Flexible Activity Trees for Event Abstraction Proceedings Article

In: Dongen, Boudewijn F.; Montali, Marco; Wynn, Moe Thandar (Ed.): 2nd International Conference on Process Mining, ICPM 2020, Padua, Italy, October 4-9, 2020, pp. 145–152, IEEE, 2020.

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Keren, Sarah; Gal, Avigdor; Karpas, Erez

Goal Recognition Design - Survey Proceedings Article

In: Bessiere, Christian (Ed.): Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2020, pp. 4847–4853, ijcai.org, 2020.

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Shraga, Roee; Scharf, Coral; Ackerman, Rakefet; Gal, Avigdor

InCognitoMatch: Cognitive-aware Matching via Crowdsourcing Proceedings Article

In: Maier, David; Pottinger, Rachel; Doan, AnHai; Tan, Wang-Chiew; Alawini, Abdussalam; Ngo, Hung Q. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Management of Data, SIGMOD Conference 2020, online conference [Portland, OR, USA], June 14-19, 2020, pp. 2753–2756, ACM, 2020.

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